Okay so I know I have said this before but so much has happened in the past (almost) 2 months since I last updated everyone and I am sorry for the length of time in between posts, we have been busier than ever. So about one week after we got home from a well needed vacation in July (to Michigan) Jacob started crawling. He was "crawling" but didn't have his tummy off of the floor, he was throwing his whole body forward. Now he is an expert at it and gets around so quickly. Not only that but he pulls himself to a standing position on everything. We have put up a gate so that he can no longer make his way into the kitchen (for safety purposes). He also is waving, it's so adorable, when we are on our way out the door he waves or when we say we are going to go bye-bye he then proceeds to wave.
The latest milestone is that Jacob can feed himself soft foods. On the 4th of this month he started picking up food with his pointer finger and thumb and putting it in his mouth. I was so excited for him but this brings much more safety concerns because now every little speck (food or not) he comes across works its way to his mouth. So needless to say we have to watch him like a hawk. The nice thing about it is that he can eat more of a variety of foods. He absolutely LOVES cheese this is probably his favorite food at this point. As a result, it's the last thing we put on his tray at meals because that is all he will go for once he sees it. We have not found any food that he doesn't like which is great. Soft foods that he eats include sweet potatoes, avocado, cantalope, whole wheat toast, pears, bananas, mangos, peas, black beans, scrambled egg yolks, and green beans.
He still has yet to say mama...I am waiting patiently, every time I say mama to him he replies back dada.
We are having a blast with him, it's so exciting and fun at this age. I think back almost daily to the day he was born and how fragile he was, it seems like just yesterday. I guess you don't really realize how quickly kids grow up until you have children of your own, it amazes me each and everyday and we are so thankful for a happy and healthy child.