So as most, if not all of you, know Jacob turned one year old on the 15th, we cannot believe it, the year flew by. I made him his very own birthday cake, which we really enjoyed watching him make a huge mess with the cake. He had a ton of fun demolishing it. I took him to make a plate at a pottery shop not far from here and was able to get his 1 yr old handprints. Last saturday, we took him to get his very first hair cut. He really looks like a big boy now, it is amazing how something so little made a big difference in his appearance. He has now mastered the sign for "more" (in sign language). He has 8 teeth and is taking steps. You can tell he really wants to walk, but still is not completely 100% with mastering the task, it won't be long though. Other than that we are busy as usual, enjoy the pics I have posted.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
One year old! :)
So as most, if not all of you, know Jacob turned one year old on the 15th, we cannot believe it, the year flew by. I made him his very own birthday cake, which we really enjoyed watching him make a huge mess with the cake. He had a ton of fun demolishing it. I took him to make a plate at a pottery shop not far from here and was able to get his 1 yr old handprints. Last saturday, we took him to get his very first hair cut. He really looks like a big boy now, it is amazing how something so little made a big difference in his appearance. He has now mastered the sign for "more" (in sign language). He has 8 teeth and is taking steps. You can tell he really wants to walk, but still is not completely 100% with mastering the task, it won't be long though. Other than that we are busy as usual, enjoy the pics I have posted.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Latest Accomplishments
I wanted to update everyone about new things Jacob has learned. He is developing more of a personality each day. The latest that he has learned is to shake his head yes and no. He is becoming aware of what he is not supposed to be touching (for safety reasons) and will start to shake his head no when he is getting close to the object(s) that are off limits for him. He is able to sign for milk and all done and we are teaching many other signs so he is able to better communicate with us. He loves to dance whenever music is on and he has a play cell phone and will put it up to his ear and start babbling like he is talking to someone. He also can throw a ball so I think we have a future athlete on our hands! He now has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on the bottom)and one more cutting through on the bottom. FINALLY Jacob said "Mama" (Oct 4th), I can't tell you how hearing him say this was such an amazing moment. It seems just as I stopped pushing him to say it he then said it and now he won't stop saying it! Don and I are super busy these days, he is pulling 12 hour days and working weekends if they need him, so never a dull moment for us. As most of you know, in just about a week Jacob will be turning 1 yr old, it's a little sad (a happy sad) feeling for me. I just cannot believe how quickly a year has passed. One year ago we were waiting for our little boy to meet us and here he is today, talking, signing, crawling and learning so many new things before we know it he will be starting school!
We really enjoyed Nana and Grandpa's visit last week. The weather finally started to cooperate toward the middle of the week and we enjoyed going to the Zoo in Columbia. Jacob also got a walker from Nana and Grandpa and has been making his way back and forth in the living room.
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