Most, if not all of you, may have thought that I have decided to no longer blog about our family but that is not the case. With all of the holidays, moving and our busy schedule I have neglected to keep up with blogging, so I will try to get you all up to speed with what has been going on since Halloween...yikes!
This year was the first time we got him dressed for Halloween (he was a dinosaur) and he loved going from house to house and instead of saying "trick or treat" he would say "i need more"...he didn't want us to hold his hand or his treat bag he wanted to do it all himself. Just a few short weeks later was Thanksgiving which we celebrated as a family I made the whole deal from appetizers to dessert and Don and myself enjoyed the yummy food while Jacob wanted to only eat cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. As for Christmas we opted out a tree because of the move and being so busy but we still all enjoyed ourselves. Jacob had such great fun opening the gifts this year since he was a little older and we look forward to this next year to create more Xmas memories. Currently, we are settling in the new house...which is so great...we have so much more space for ourselves and visitors (hint to all of you reading). Isabella is also enjoying the bigger living area. For the first time I had Jacob help me make brownies in our new kitchen and he had so much fun I can't wait for us to cook together again.
Jacob is talking in sentences now so it is much easier to communicate with him he is also in big boy underwear!!!! Woohoo :) He is using a diaper/pull up only at nap and nighttime. He also is in a big boy more crib! He has fallen out only once but luckily it is only a few inches off of the floor so he remained asleep when this happened. I feel like in the last few weeks he really has grown up and he adjusts to change so well and we are so thankful for that. I almost forgot to mention...NO MORE PACIFIER for him as well. Christmas night we decided to take it away. I kept saying by the end of 2011 we need to let the pacifier go and we stuck to that agreement so I cut the tip of the pacifier with scissors and handed to Jacob he put it in his mouth and quickly took it out, looked at it, and we told him "it's broken". I thought it would be traumatic but he cried a little bit but didn't want the broken one and we were determined to stick to the agreement and not give it and IT WORKED. Since it was now broken I told him it needed to go in the trash and asked if he would like to throw it away and he said yes so he threw it in there and the rest is history! If you ask him now what happened to his pacifier he will tell you " it's in the trash". We are so proud of him and we are having so much fun with him at this age. At times it can be a little challenging but very rewarding seeing how he is thriving. We love him and are so thankful for our healthy boy.